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The Great Presenter 10.5

The Great Presenter 10.5

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The Great Presenter Publisher's Description

The Great Presenter is an interactive learning and business support program for planning and preparing successful business presentations. The program is designed for Windows PCs and uses the latest interactive multimedia technologies to provide users with a Self-Managed Interactive Learning Environment. The program includes: Video Lectures, Library of Example Phrase and Example Presentations, Interactive Quiz, Techniques, and FAQ's, as well as an interactive presentation analyzer to help you plan and prepare your business presentations.
Part One: Learn Effective Presentation Skills
- Analyze Your Audience's Needs and Expectations.
- Logically Structure Your Presentations.
- Write Presentations that are Easy to Follow, Understand, and Remember
- Learn Useful Phrases, Expressions and Techniques.
Part Two: Plan and Prepare Your Presentation
- Quickly Analyze Your Business Presentation Scenario
- Develop Your Content and Export to Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
- Write Your Business Presentation and Export to Microsoft® Word®.
- Export Your Script to DSpeech (Text To Speech Program).

NOTE: The trial version is active for 14 days.

The Great Presenter
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